As gorgeous as my kids were on the special day, Job was even cuter. He set his alarm for some ridiculous hour of the morning - 5 or 5.30am, tip toed out of the bedroom (I pretended I couldn't hear him)..and quietly closed the door leaving me to sleep. It's very hard to sleep when you can hear the hustle and bustle of excited children in the house. It's one of the best sounds ever. I kept worrying that the kids would get cold as I could hear them coming and going from the house to the garage. I knew they had been working on a special project out there.....I just wished it didn't involve the cold Tasmanian climate.
They finally burst through the bedroom door in great excitement just after 7am. Job was armed with the camera and got lots of shots of them - (and lots of awful morning pictures of me too)
Here are the girls with their cute little presents. Lani painted me a beautiful loveheart at school while Sisi carried some chocolates and a small wheat bag.
I got the cutest cards....everything was cute!
Then I got to see why they had been so busy hiding away in the garage for the two days prior....
After my sook about feeling unloved and unappreciated, Job thought it would be nice for the kids to pick something that they were grateful for and signpost it all around the house :) The poster above was made by Lani.
This is Sisi's - it says "Thank you mum for letting me sleep in your bed."
and JJ's..
And lucky last, one from Job that I didn't see until we hopped in the car to go to church...
As was the yummy cocopop/fruitloop breakfast :)
One of the highlights of the day was at church when the primary kids sang for the mums during sacrament meeting. I was smiling both inside and out when I remembered that the kids had been trying to keep the song a secret for the last two weeks. Everytime Sisi had began singing it at home, the bigger kids would quickly hush her up and I'd pretend I hadn't heard anything.
When we got home, I was allowed to relax on the couch while Job got some yummy chicken, rolls and salad for dinner. Him and JJ then made a chocolate cake for dessert.
So, I got completely spoiled with love.... and was reminded once again of all the reasons I love being a mum.