Friday, September 23, 2011

A 5 year old example - and hanging out with my kids

What?! How can September nearly be over and I haven't even blogged August yet?!!


ok, I'm forgetting about all that. Tonight during movie night, Lani (who was cuddled up on my right hand side) turned to me and said - "Mum, sometimes I kind of cry because I love you so much."

Lani is such a little sweetheart, she is also a fiesty little thing if you get on the wrong side of her!! But when it comes to her feelings, she is so open, honest and sincere. We love her kind and gentle heart.
We have a really big day tomorrow, lots going on including this house going up for Auction. I considered skipping out on movie time just this once to start cleaning up. I am so glad I sat on the couch, in between my two girls, sharing icecream with chocolate topping and maltesers. I could have missed some of the most tender words I have ever heard. Lani is so good for me, she teaches me everyday how to show love.

...and speaking of love...don't you just LOVE sitting around in the loungeroom on a Thursday night taking photos???!   You know you do.

The kids and I are so good at bumming around. Often when Job is not around, schedule goes out the window and we just hang. They get to bed a little late, often music, readers and homework get skipped, but we have fun. Their favourite nights are the ones where I tell made up stories. A couple of months ago I started a story that they ended up naming "Quest to Lollypop land" The story lasted a couple of weeks, each leg of the journey took around half an hour. We're in the middle of the next part of the quest, JJ had called it "The Quest to the magic fountain." I make up the story on the spot, so the kids and I never know what is going to happen next, often they help tell the story too. There's always suspense and danger - sometimes Lani and Sisi get worried during the story. They are so cute! These nights are always a bit late because the story goes for a long time. So last night when we were meant to be doing music lessons, we were playing around with the camera and telling stories!

                                      I started off on the couch taking some shots witht the girls..

                                                                  Then JJ jumped in
Poor Ben, look at his red eyes. He saw us taking photos and felt left out so he cried - funny Ben, we love u!

It got a bit crowded on the couch so we tried the floor. Benny tried pushing the button but we couldn't quite get it all together... (I am so pasty and white next to my kids!)

                                                 Don't ask me what JJ and Sisi are doing??!

                  ...then we tried lying on our tummies....    nope, didn't work either! hahaha         

Then I remembered that Lisa had told me how to set up the automatic timer, here's the kids watching me while I set up the camera..

On jumps mum...hooray! Not too bad :)

                            We'll have to catch up on music and homework another day!


The Kings said...

haha - your kids are so cool!! Glad you got the timer worked out :) You need a remote - you would LOVE it.

che carina! said...

no i'm gonna have to ask..what the heck are jj and sisi doing?? hehe

Joe said...

That bought a tear to my eye, lucky you chose not to clean the house!!
Lani is such a good example to our family too, now when we try to get our girls to say heart felt personal prayers we tell them to say 'Lani' prayers...and they know exactly what we mean.
I love you my little Lani Banani