Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter and Camping

I haven't even started this blog entry but already I know its a biggie! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the magnitude of it. Breathe! Ok, how about I just start at the beginning...

Easter morning.

So here I am looking glamorous. I have just stepped out of bed and discovered the Easter Bunny has been.
The kids had heaps of fun looking throughout the entire house for their eggs. The bunny brought Benny lollies this year as chocolate doesn't go down well with him. Actually, that's not true, it goes in okay, but doesn't do him any favours afterwards.

I love this video Job took of Lani; especially when Sisi gets booted out of her room and steals an easter egg on the way out - and then her answer when Job asks her why we celebrate Easter. Classic, guess we need to have some more discussions on the true meaning of Easter!

Easter Sunday turned out to be a busy day. After the kids finished their hunt around the house, we had to get ready for church and be there at 8.40am for a quick choir warm up before singing in Sacrament. I had a lesson to give in relief society, Benny had and talk and Lani a scripture in Primary. Benny lost his talk so ended up reading out the words to a hymn. After church we came home and packed the rest of our gear and headed off for two nights camping at Myrtle Park with the Terrible Terrys (Benny came up with that one!)

We arrived there mid afternoon and things were looking pretty good from where I was sitting..

The Terrys were gracious enough to let us take over two thirds of their trailer with our camping gear.

Once the kids woke up, they helped set up camp.

                                              Our humble abode for the next two nights..

                                                   Our view of the park from our tents

                                                               The Fire King
   Soon after set up we had to do a toilet run. It was a 5 min walk but when you have a two year old who needs to go, the car is a safer option. The kids took the chance to jump into the boot for a ride and I found a cadbury cream egg in the front of the van.....pretty exciting stuff right there.

Before we knew it, it was dusk. Sam heated up some pasta he had made for dinner. If I had have made the same dish at home, my kids wouldn't have touched it, but they loved his one. The dog got a nice big helping too. After dinner we did some spotlighting and found possums.

We finished off our first night by roasting marshmellows over the fire. Sleep was a bit elusive that night for Mariah and me. It was a bit chilly....brrrrrrr! And by a bit, I mean a lot!!

Day two began just after 5.15am for me. JJ was up at the crack of dawn as usual. He stayed in his bed reading quietly. The other kids woke soon after and when I heard some of the Terrys up, I told the kids they could head outside. We found Sam and Milly sitting by the fire. Milly is just the cutest little thing. I couldn't help but stalk her constantly for photos. It was nice to have some new subjects to take photos of. I took the oppotunity to take some pics for the Terrys, but since there are too many to include here, I'll upload them onto facebook as soon as I finish waffling on here.

                                              Big boy came too. He was such a good boy.

                Once everyone was up and about we had some breaky. Jobs favourite - Bacon and Eggs.

                                                             Others had Weetbix

I got my camera back out when I saw these guys skipping rocks. Sams rocks were skipping, Mariahs were more like 'plunking'. Hahaha.

Benny got straight into collecting bits and pieces of rock, string, wood etc. He made himself a fishing rod but needed some bait. After breakfast, he put some bacon on the end of a sharp stick, tied it to a long piece of rope and dangled it in the water. He was excited when Mariah told him she had found him a worm. He tried to thread the worm onto his stick. When he couldn't get the worm to stay, JJ had a go.

After I had no luck getting the worm on for him, he went to the expert who fashioned something out of a tree branch.

Soon afterwards, Sam found a Circada for the kids to play with.
                                                        Sisi was happy just to look..

Some cute little girls I found playing around camp.

Then it was time for the Easter egg hunt. Since we already had ours the day before, our big kids hid some eggs for the little Terry girls. The mums helped by throwing a few handfuls on the grass.

Lani enjoyed playing a big sister to Hanisi while we were camping. She helped her find some eggs. It would have been much more exciting for Hanisi if Sisi hadn't have stolen most of them. Sisi was more than happy to have another easter egg hunt - even though it wasn't for her!

Too late! Sisi is fast when it comes to chocolate. Lani figured she'd have to pick them up herself if Hanisi was going to get some.
Oh Sisi, stealing other peoples food - just like your father.

I know Hanisi. I have to live with her.

These photos make me laugh. Mariah and I were watching them as they had this interaction. Sisi shows Milly her egg and Milly thinks she's offering it to her.


                                               That tongue was uncalled for. Again, from her father.

Its all okay though 'cause they're still buddies. 

    I saw Mariah chatting with Milly up a tree and I ran back to get my camera. By this stage I was starting to wonder if I should just wear it around my neck for the day. Everytime I put it away, I saw something cute to take a photo of. What looks like some green caterpillar slime in this shot is deliberate. I stood back behind some leaves. (Just so you guys know)

                                             There was plenty of room for riding bikes.

                                                      There was also a cute little park

 Haha, this is where Mariah took a swipe at Sam. He defended himself with Millys gumboots.

Hanisi wants Daddy to push her.....what's so good about Daddy??


 Oh, I see.
Milly is happy with mum. Looks like we'll have to do some more upperbody work in the mornings Mariah ;)  


This is where I realised that I only had one battery bar left on the camera. I've already failed dismally at being prepared by having my camera on me at the right times and now I have another strike for bringing it camping with flat batteries. I told Mariah and Sam that we should quickly take some family shots before it runs out completely. I think they thought I was kidding at first since they were in their dirty camping clothes, but seriously always look like this. Hahaha. This was the best family shot we could get :) I can see some little brown eyes in the back there. The girls weren't in the mood for photos.

                                                              Lani was though!

Couple time! Sorry Sam but Mariah gives a way better Noogi than you. 

        ...and she even tops it off with a whack on the bum. You guys are so cute. You make a beautiful couple

                                                           Mariah! We're in a childrens playground!
                                                            The kids enjoyed dinks with their dads
 Well, up until Benny gave chase.. 
                                                      ....and Sam nearly dropped Milly!

 Mariah snapped this shot of us. What a spunky bunch.

   This was the kids favourite part - riding in the trailer. After the playground we went to get some more wood for the fire. It was fun being on the back. Sam got a bit speedy there and Mariah told him to slow down, lol - yes, I noticed. Kids loved it - the faster the better!!

    We loaded up the wood

 ...and Sam taught Job how to tie knots.

Once we had filled the trailer with wood, we hung around in the bush and amused ourselves for a while.  Sam found a lizard for the kids to play with...

                                ....made a see-saw..
                                               and helped the boys build a cubby house.

Milly found a bumble bee in a very peculiar place.

Job and I played games (which he was disqualified from for cheating)

     ...And Mariah taught the girls how to poke eachother in the head with a stick. Sisi is a quick learner.
Milly was just happy to chew on her stick.


I'd be hiding behind dads leg too if my mum kept poking me with a stick!

Lani wanted me to take a video of her. I love how Sisi comes up for a cuddle midway through.

And this is the photo:

Once the kids got cranky we headed back to camp. I managed a couple of photos of the Terrys leaving for a bike ride (with Lani and Big boy in tow) before my camera battery completely died.

 Sam built an impressive bonfire with the wood we collected.
These last two photos are courtesy of the Terrys. I missed photos of the second night and the final day. There were many times I wished I had the camera, silly me.

It was a great trip. We really enjoyed spending time with the Terrys. We're looking forward to the next one when hopefully the nights will be a little warmer (or when we invest in some good sleeping bags!)

It would be amiss of me to end this blog without mention of the amazing new Cadburys chocolate mousse block. Sam brought two blocks camping and I'm certain Job and I ate most of it. Poor Sam. Job made me work for it though, forcing me to chase him to get some chocolate.
You'd think by now he would know better ;)


The Kings said...

Oh it looks like you guys had SO much fun! LOVE the photos and especially the one of Mariah pinching Sam's bum! ;)

Nettie's Blog said...

man that looked like a fabulous camp...(even though it was cold at night...bbbbrrr ..and i know how cold it gets out there...he he)

Anonymous said...

Great photos!!! I see Job is going grey... teaching does that to you... grey or bald : ) looking forward to meeting up.....